Monday, September 22, 2008

Just an update

I know I've posted a lot of national stories lately and haven't really put the focus on me. So since I have a little bit of free time, here we go.

Last week was not a good week. I received chemotherapy again and complained to my oncologist about a pain in my stomach. High on my stomach (near my diaphram) was a hard section of muscle or tissue. If I coughed, I doubled over in pain.
My doctor gave me Perkoset, which is a younger cousin of Vicatin (which makes me throw up). After one day, I was feeling no pain, but I was feeling major nausea. So I requested to go back to Tylenol with Codeine. The Tylenol mixed with a little Icy-Hot and I'm good.
But I did have a CT scan on Friday, so we'll see sometime this week of what's going on in my tummy.
But last week really affected my work. On Wednesday, I only worked one hour and I couldn't make it to work on Friday at all.
But today, I'm doing all right. There's a little pain in my back, but I'm doing good.

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